Emergency Management Specialist

Ausglyn specilises in strategic and operational support to Government and non-Government organisations seeking EM professionals to assist in doctrine development, exercises, curriculum development and operational readiness assessment.

Our team have experience across all natural and man-made disasters.

Principal Consultant

 Glenn A. Jones ESM CEM ®

BAdmin Lead (UNE) Adv Dip PS (EM) Dip PS(EM), Dip VET, DipTD&D, Dip QA,

Chartered Manager (IML), Internationally Certified Emergency Manager (IAEM), Certified Incident Controller (AFAC-EMPS)

and NSW SES Life Member

Contact Details:

EMail: glenn.jones@ausglyn.com

Mobile:0408 658 293
abn 81 063 799 039

Founded in 1992